The mission of this Society is to perpetuate the cultural and genealogical studies and histories of the Tennessee Counties of Blount, Cocke and Sevier; to promote a sense of pride through our heritage and connections associated with the Great Smoky Mountains.
To accomplish its mission the Society shall:
- discover and collect any material of the area which may help to
- establish or illustrate its history;
- show its progress in population, exploration, settlement and development;
- document its activities in peace and war;
- chronicle its progress in wealth, education, art, science, agriculture, commerce and industry
- facilitate the aforesaid through the acquisition of material such as:
- histories, genealogies, biographies, directories, descriptions, gazetteers, newspapers, pamphlets, catalogs, circulars, handbills, programs, and posters;
- manuscripts, letters, diaries, reminiscences, journals, memoranda;
- records, rosters, military service documents, account books, charts, surveys and field books;
- artifacts consisting of pictures, photographs, paintings, displays illustrative of the past.
Operating Year: January - December 2024
- provide for the preservation and accessibility of such materials as may be feasible.
- cooperate with officials in assuring the preservation and accessibility of the records and archives of the area, its cities, towns, villages and institutions;
- encourage the preservation of historic structures, monuments and markers.
The Society meets six times per year, with the January, March, July and November meetings being held in the community room of the Sevier County Courthouse Annex (Back entrance, 3rd floor, elevators). The regular meetings, which begin at 2 pm, are always on the third Sunday in the month they occur. In place of regular meetings, picnics are held in May and September (at 1:30 pm), with sites to be announced in local newspapers and when possible in the quarterly Journal.